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Events for September 1, 2019 › Fitness Classes

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8:30 am

8:30 am Total Athletic Conditioning

September 1, 2019 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am
10XTO, 107 Princes’ Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3
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Athletic conditioning is a high-intensity group fitness class inspired by the fundamental movements of sport and athletics. This class will improve mobility, reaction time, and agility as you develop strength, explosive power and muscular endurance. *Class schedules and offerings are subject to change This class is exclusively available to 10XTO members and Hotel X Toronto guests for a $20 per class fee. To book a class, please call the 10XTO front desk, 647-475-9295, or email info@tenxtoronto.com. Please bring your Guest Activity Booking

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9:45 am

9:45 am Sunday Flow

September 1, 2019 @ 9:45 am - 10:30 am
10XTO, 107 Princes’ Boulevard
Toronto, Ontario M6K 3C3
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Greet your day with awareness, movement, and breath with this energetic practice. This class will get your heart rate up, while working to invigorate your body, open your heart, and awaken your mind. Class schedules and offerings are subject to change This class is exclusively available to TEN X TORONTO members and for a $20  per class fee for Hotel X Toronto guests. To book a class, please call the Ten X Toronto front desk, 647-475-9295, or email info@tenxtoronto.com. Please bring your

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