Wellness Options For Your Next Corporate Event

Wellness Options For Your Next Corporate Event

Incorporate Wellness Breaks Into your Meeting



At Hotel X Toronto, we understand the significance of maintaining optimal energy levels and fostering creativity, especially during corporate events. We’ve created a list of unique wellness breaks, offered by our 10XTO professionals, designed to invigorate and inspire your team in just 15-minutes!

The benefits of incorporating wellness breaks into your corporate event agenda are abundant:

> Promote physical well-being by alleviating tension and improving circulation

> Profound impact on mental clarity and focus

> Enhance cognitive function and creativity

Images of people stretching

In-Meeting Room Options

Fitness & Wellness breaks (appropriate for all fitness levels)

$150 + HST each

Centre & Stimulate | A mid-morning stretch to loosen muscles and boost energy, reducing stress and fostering creativity.

Boost & Brighten | Mid-afternoon light yoga and meditation session to enhance brain function, keeping attendees alert and engaged.

Elevate  your next corporate event with Wellness Breaks at Hotel X Toronto and empower your team to thrive both professionally and personally.



Here’s an agenda of what a day in your corporate event schedule could look like at Hotel X Toronto:

 6:30am – 7:30am | Sunrise Yoga in the Hot Yoga Studio

8:30am | Breakfast buffet in Princes’ Gates Ballroom

9:30am – 10:45am | Session #1 in the Cinema

10:45am – 11:00am | Centre & Stimulate wellness break guided by a 10XTO professional

11:00am – 12:00pm | Lunch in New Fort Hall

12:00pm – 2:00pm | Session #2 in Coronation Park

2:00pm – 2:15pm | Boost & Brighten wellness break guided by a 10XTO professional

2:15pm – 4:00pm | Session #3

4:00pm – 6:00pm | Team building activities (blazepods, basketball, pop-a-shot, pickleball, and golf simulator) at 10XTO


Learn more about other unique event options available at Hotel X Toronto by clicking below.

To schedule your next meeting or event, contact our Sales team at sales@hotelxtoronto.com or call us at (647) 943 9300